a party member from the "future" quickly approaches the party from the direction they are proceeding. S/He addresses her/his younger/past self. "I only have a few seconds! I thought we were farther ahead than here, and of course i had to avoid the BLANK back there! NAME, i know this is difficult to believe right now, but i have to have my -- or your -- OBJECT right now. I am you, except two days into the future! Everything should be fine if you give it to me now... noone is hurt yet, but we lost most of our possessions, but i can get them back if you give me the OBJECT now. I must leave. You -- everyone, must act as you will without my knowledge. Everything should be okay." If there is any delay or any questions they will be trounced with pleading by the character for swift decision. Start a stop-watch when you introduce the character. Before introducing the character pay attention to all names that are used and any personal info. the "future" character is really a doppledanger and will use any info if available. but note, s/he will not use it in answering questions, s/he will simply info/name-drop to make it appear more convincing. OBJECT will be something unique and difficult to replace (magic book, magical non-weapon item, etc.) and reasonable to expect that it alone would greatly aid in some forseeable circumstance. note: the object must be presumed or have been observed. after one minute of real time plead one final time, but then it must leave. if it hasn't worked by then, the doppledanger picked the wrong dupe.